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Flood Insurance for You & Your Family

The need for Flood insurance becomes a national wake-up call after a major disaster finds homeowners looking for a safety net to help them rebuild their damaged property. The fact, unfortunately, is that 12% of Americans carry Flood insurance, even lower on the West Coast at 10%. Even if your home is not located in what is considered a flood-hazard zone, you still face the risk of having damage as we have seen time and again. Heavy rains from El Niño, flood surges, storm drain backups, etc. can cause significant damage to property. You won’t be able to look to your Homeowners insurance as flood damage is excluded, which is why Flood insurance is necessary.

What Flood Insurance Covers

ISU-The Olson Duncan Agency offers California homeowners with Flood insurance. We can provide you with coverage through the National Flood Insurance Program, which covers up to $250,000 in damage to the building, and for an additional premium up to $100,000 for personal contents. Deductibles range from $1,000 to $10,000. The cost of coverage will depend on your location and whether you are in a high-risk zone or low-to-moderate zone. We also have critical access to alternative Flood insurance markets, which in many cases may be better suited for areas where flooding is prevalent.


If you own a high-valued, expensive home, you should consider buying Excess Flood insurance, which can substantially increase the limits of coverage for both the structure and its contents. These Excess Flood policies can also provide money for additional living expenses while your property is restored. Additionally, we have markets that write coastal and non-coastal homes in any flood zone; secondary homes, rental homes, and condominium units; and other key features.

Our Value

At Olson Duncan Insurance, we look to provide clients with a total solution, not simply a quote or an insurance contract. Our goal is to provide real value and build a long-term relationship based on trust. We would love to get to know you and answer any questions. To find out more about how we can help you, or if you would like a quote, please call our team at (310) 373-6441.