Executive Protection

for Leadership

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Directors & Officers Liability Insurance for Your Business

Company directors and officers today face increased scrutiny by regulators, shareholders, and plaintiffs, with the volume of lawsuits and investigations continuing to rise. To protect against management liability exposures, public companies readily procure Directors & Officers (D&O) Liability insurance, which provides an invaluable safety net by covering the ever-increasing costs of dealing with such risks.

Private companies, however, do not universally purchase D&O insurance, believing it’s not necessary because they are either family-run businesses or have had no previous experience with such claims. This decision could negatively impact profits and an organization’s reputation.

Olson Duncan offers coverage for directors and officers for public, private, and non-profit organizations.

On the Agenda of a D&O Policy

D&O Liability insurance can be written to cover the directors and officers of public companies, privately held firms, not-for-profit organizations, and educational institutions. Coverage is provided for claims resulting from managerial decisions with adverse financial consequences. This includes lawsuits involving shareholder suits over company or stock performance, creditor or investor suits over mismanagement or dereliction of fiduciary duties, failure to comply with regulations or laws, employment practices and HR issues, regulatory claims, and more.

There are several elements—known as “Sides”—to a D&O policy, including:

  • Side A—Protects a corporation’s directors and officers when the company cannot indemnify the individuals.
  • Side B—Reimburses the organization when it indemnifies the individuals, protecting the company’s balance sheet.
  • Side C—Also known as “entity coverage,” covers directors, officers, and the insured organization when they are named co-defendants in a securities lawsuit.

More than Executive Protection

In addition to providing a safeguard for your company and executives against allegations of wrongdoing, D&O insurance offers several other benefits including your ability as a business to retain strong leaders. Many potential directors and officers will be reluctant to join your business if they are exposed to personal liability. With D&O insurance, you are addressing this issue. Having D&O coverage also facilitates the ability to attract investment – venture capital and private equity firms often require companies to have D&O coverage before they make an investment.


Our Value

At Olson Duncan, we aim to provide clients a total solution, not simply a quote or an insurance policy. With us, you get real value and a long-term relationship based on trust. We would love to get to know you and answer any questions.
To learn more about how we can help you, please call our team at

(310) 373-6441

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