Robust Property

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Commercial Property Insurance

For Your Business

A total Commercial Property insurance solution is critical to the success of any business – from a small start-up to a main-street business and companies with multiple locations and properties. Property insurance covers the physical assets of your business—your building as an owner, your business personal property as a business owner, and business interruption that will help pay for your continuing operating expenses and payroll until you are back up and running again.

At Olson Duncan, we design Property Insurance programs tailored to your unique operational risks. By evaluating your property’s value, identifying potential hazards, and considering location-specific exposures, we craft customized coverage that ensures comprehensive protection for your business.


Inside Your Property Policy

During our review, we will evaluate the coverage amounts on your building and business personal property (inventory, furniture, equipment, etc.), your deductibles and coinsurance values, and how insurance is applied. We’ll also evaluate the cost of replacing your structure should a loss occur and ensure the building is insured for its replacement cost value. With increased labor and materials costs, your amounts of insurance must be up to date.


Additional Property Coverages Available

There are several other critical Property coverages that are important to consider:

  • Business Interruption and Extra Expense insurance to respond in the event of a property loss that causes your operation to shut down temporarily while repairs or rebuilding takes place. This coverage will pay for income you would have made if your business hadn’t been damaged, ongoing expenses that need to be paid even though you aren’t operating, costs associated with the use of a temporary location, and expenses incurred to keep your business open after a disaster, such as renting equipment to replace what was lost.
  • Flood and Earthquake insurance coverages are also essential risk-transfer strategies for businesses and can help you stay afloat in a disaster.

Our Value

At Olson Duncan, we aim to provide clients a total solution, not simply a quote or an insurance policy. With us, you get real value and a long-term relationship based on trust. We would love to get to know you and answer any questions.
To learn more about how we can help you, please call our team at

(310) 373-6441

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