Archive of Category: Construction

Why Contractors Need Pollution Liability Insurance In today's industry, it's imperative that contractors have a Construction Insurance policy that specifically includes pollution liability insurance. It’s important to...
Safety Tips for Winter Construction With winter coming, things can get especially hazardous on the job. It is important for construction operations and contractors to...
What the Decreased Labor Force Means for the Construction Sector The construction unemployment rate currently sits at 5.2 percent, which is low; however, the construction labor force has stalled over...
When Can Your Construction Site Be Liable for Third-Party Claims? Liability insurance for construction workers is a necessity, especially when it comes down to third-party claims. Third-party claims happen when...
Installation Floaters, Explained Over one trillion is spent on creating structures, and it’s a given that both builder’s risk coverage and installation floaters...
Breaking Down the Builder’s Risk Policy With construction such a staple in the American economy, insurance for construction projects is a necessity.  There are two main...
The Most Common Causes of Injury on Construction Projects Construction is a very dangerous field: there was a total of 5,190 fatal work injuries recorded in 2016, according to...
The Right Gear for Safe Summer Construction All around the nation, people have been experiencing sweltering heat over the past week. As a construction worker, it’s important...
Construction Summer Safety: Preventing Overheating There are 807,360 construction laborers in the US, according to United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. With that many laborers,...