Malpractice Insurance to

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Professional Liability for ABA Companies

Sometimes called Allied Healthcare Professional Liability Insurance, ABA Professional Liability insurance provides claim coverage for professional acts, errors, and omissions. It covers accidental, negligent acts of an Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) company arising from their professional practice.
Professional Liability insurance will cover your legal defense costs for a covered incident along with any damages awarded up to your policy limits of insurance. A licensed behavior therapist or Board-Certified Behavior Analyst must carry a BCBA Professional Liability insurance policy since BCBAs are certified professionals in the behavioral analysis field. Employers may also submit proof that the board-certified behavior therapist is covered under the company’s policy limits.
Health insurance companies reimburse the majority of ABA providers. The credentialing process with medical providers starts with purchasing and providing proof of Professional Liability insurance.

Our Value

At Olson Duncan, we aim to provide clients a total solution, not simply a quote or an insurance policy. With us, you get real value and a long-term relationship based on trust. We would love to get to know you and answer any questions.
To learn more about how we can help you, please call our team at

(310) 373-6441

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